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2021 NTUE English Video Contest

由特教系 簡琮庭同學、黃亞宣同學、李宜叡同學、郭品漩同學獲得第一名

Tsung-Ting, Chien, Ya-Shuan, Huang, Yi-Ruei, Lee, Pin-Hsuan, Kuo from the Department of Special Education won First place.


1.Cinematic Piano [Cinematic Music] by MOKKA / Soul

2. Acoustic Tropical Travel by Yevhen Lokhmatov

由兒英系 廖曼如同學、社發系 廖珮甄同學獲得第二名

Man-Ru, Liao from the Department of Children English Education, Pei-Chen, Liao from the Department of Social and Regional Development won Second place.


샛별 - SOSO(Royalty Free Music)

由教育系 葉牧玟同學、呂子豪同學獲得第三名

Mu-Wen, Yeh, and Zi-Hao, Lu from the Department of Education won Third place.


1:你给我一滴眼泪,我就看到了你心中全部的海洋 藝人:Hea2t

2:路小雨 藝人:周杰倫

由兒英系 楊珩同學、王意婷同學、羅廷文同學獲得佳作

Heng, Yang, Yi-Ting, Wang, and Ting-Wen, Luo from the Department of Children English Education won Honorable Mentions.


1. Dancing in the kitchen by Zachary

2. Knowles. Super Far by LANY

由藝設系 張妍同學、社發系申善尹同學獲得佳作

Yen, Chang from the Department of Arts and Design, and Shan Yin, Shen from the Department of Social and Regional Development won Honorable Mentions.


Inspiring Morning solo piano by Viminod

© Division of International Affairs, NTUE

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