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2022 NTUE English Video Contest

First place

Play with NTUE 

文化創意產業經營學系Department of Cultural and Creative Industries Management/ 張維倫

文化創意產業經營學系Department of Cultural and Creative Industries Management/ 彭苡昕

Second place

Language Certainly Wins

語文與創作學系Department of Language and Creative Writing/ 葉冠孜 語文與創作學系Department of Language and Creative Writing/ 鄭妤瑄

Third place

The Dorm 18

台灣文化研究所 Graduate School of Taiwanese Culture/ 阮氏梅緣 東南亞區域管理碩士學位學程Master's Program of Business Administration in South East Asia/ Andreana Cheng

Honorable Mention

The special of NTUE

特殊教育學系Department of Special Education/ 吳仲文

© Division of International Affairs, NTUE

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